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Tuesday, 16 August 2016

I Promised This and HERE it is ...... BE BLESSED..!

Music: PiP Classic_ San Owo e 
Be BLESSED with this great music from…)___++RhemaTos.%%%>>>>]
Your comments, reasoning and thoughts are sure welcome, as you download from the left side of the website. Thanks …… JUST SPILL IT as you EnJOY iT..!/.!
Meanwhile you can still uphold this to get Empoowered..!
Ositadimma P.A.
 (Admin-support|GraphiCs\WEB- Designer|Sales Consultant| @ Ossyx Graphics & Sales Consult.)

Business Never as Usual.....

Business Never as Usual

I stumbled on this and then it dawned on me to know that it is not going to be business as usual.

why this notion? It was not as if something is wrong but a wrong approach nearly caused a dull.

So then I decided to show you then what you need to know as to have your audio sound and look like a video you anticipate to be and get it promoted by Ossyx on +2347066070476 for a boost in career and business.

Now how do you do this;

First, I bet you can use free programs like "Windows Live Movie Maker" to add an image to an audio track so you can convert it into a .WMV video file. After you’ve converted the file, you can

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Promo for the First Six (6) Persons to Show Interest and Buy to Invest in SELF.

Thence, it was just a beautiful Wednesday morning, when I woke up at about some minutes to the hour of six (6) and with the graciousness in good health and having gone through a sound night rest with no cause of going bizarre.
 Then I was out to the compound as to engage in a routine chore of which I started out-rightly and there came this INSPIRING message and analogy which I believe you will sure cherish.
There I saw why many consult to have their needs catered for and you will be sure that more are still coming for a turn around in ideas and opportunity management.
You sure wont regret being part of the beneficiaries. Its just LIMITED...... though the need cant just be Limited but solved as they arise. sure Ossyx is available with sets of PROs to impact. Be part of the REVOLUTION.!!

 Thanks for reading through as more we hope to bring your way as time ticks. Remain BLESSED…)___Be Part of the REvolution in Success and Business…… JUST SPILL IT/.!
Yours-in-godly Success,
Ositadimma P.A.
 (Admin-support|GraphiCs\WEB- Designer|Sales Consultant| @ Ossyx Graphics & Sales Consult.)

Monday, 1 August 2016

National Youth Summit 2016 Empowerment and Revolution

You are probably back from work or on your way back from work or school by now.

How are you going to spend your time?

There is time to work on your dreams. Find it HERE....

Are you prepared for the National Youth Summit?
Registration has started at
A message to the young people from Africa's richest man, Aliko Dangote.
‪#‎ThinkIt #BeIt #DoIt‬
What's the problem with Africa?

So what is the goal?
So what is the plan?
So what is the drive?

I closed my eyes to imagine 900 million people scattered all over the different regions of Africa; with diverse needs and aspirations. I imagine these people wanting more of whatever they currently are having as products and services.

 I imagine this population looking forward to finding easier means of doing whatever they do every day. I also imagine them looking forward to novelty. So this got me thinking deeply. A wise man once said, "True leadership is learning from the mistakes of the past, managing the present, and in the light of these, predict the future"; these 900 million people which is the figure of consumers in Africa, will continue to demand for products, but how do we make sure these demands are meant?

 Many haven't even found out what they want to do with their lives or where they're heading to; so imagine a meeting, a gathering of men and women, of youths, entrepreneurs from all over Africa; people who have begun making a difference in one sector of the economy or the other, coming together to share their thoughts, challenges, passions, and ideas; wherewith, also learn of the present and future trends. Imagine a forum where the market opportunities are dissected, people with ideas meeting mentors to give them a guide for those ideas...
Have you heard of the National Youth Summit?
Could it be too much wealth?

Share your thoughts!...
cc: @nysonline

Ositadimma P.A.
 (Admin-support|GraphiCs\WEB- Designer|Sales Consultant| @ Ossyx Graphics & Sales Consult.)

Saturday, 16 July 2016

PROMO……PROMO…… and FREE TRAININGs and PACKAGEs ordinary rowley..!

For a T.I.M.E so limited I choose to bring it to you but……
For a T.I.M.E so limited I choose to bring it to you but……
ü Are YOU INTERESTED in LEARNING PRACTICALLY How To Produce PAINTs in its different FORMs and types-.-Your Emulsions, fine coat,… etc.
CONTACT:|| @ Ossyx on 07066070476 or send a mail of Interest to for details on requirements.

Ø Outstanding OFFER for those that NEEDs Promotion assistance and advert placement on social media platforms @ our promo rate of 2,800.00

It is just from 14th of this month to the 26th and thence the price goes to its actual price.

Make do of this OPPO|RTUNITY N.O.W or miss to PAY the ACTUAL PRICE later.
Its LIMITED and one of a kind to celebrate a few, and to help those seeking to reach their prospective audience, this is sure for YOU. As a business person, an artiste,blogger, content writers. Your articles are also welcomed as you are required to send it forth into the mail as stated above. You can still
Reach my contact above if INTERESTED in my free e-book and some other affordable Published business books is sure available for YOU. Just a CALL away..!  

Ø I have also decided in person to give a duplicating headway to the lucky 26 persons within Abuja and Metropolis who will decide on INTEREST to be trained on RECHARGE CARD TRAINING just for the N.O.W INTERESTED PERSONs only. And know that you really need to own a computer to participate or you intending and before you go into purchasing, contact me before hand for Compatible specification for the use….. Still reach me on the contact above… Its FREE within the periods as mentioned above.
o   Get a 2 WEB OFFER at the price of 1 also if you think you need one and get the.…. <:facebook formula="" wealth=""> from me FREE. Its LIMITED after 26th its sold as its actual price.
Are you intending to have a website, blog, e-commerce site, learn the importation tips/secrets, blogging and its proceeds, and get the free audio/video on importation…..Its LIMITED, so call for yours N>O>W.
,… etc.
CONTACT:|| @ Ossyx on 07066070476 or send a mail of Interest to for details on requirements.

Sign-Up To Start Trading BITCOINS EASILY.